Dark Side : [An episode]

1 min readJun 18, 2021

I think everyone may have a dark side.

There are people who hide it and make it as their deepest secret-lie beneath their heart, and there are one who share it in ambiguous way as they choose to make a sentence carefully, to not transparently reveal their true feelings.

Who want to share a real emotion and what’s within anyway? Aren’t we afraid of what other people might think of us? Since others judgement and all of the perspective thing can be ‘that’ scary.

Why should we trapped and think about “others” that often anyway?

Can we just thinking of ourself, looking inside instead of keeping an eye on what’s happening outside, or maybe being egoistic sometimes?

For me personally, I am, really wanted to write whatever thing that’s going on inside my head freely, without being afraid and worry that there might be someone who will have a totally wrong idea.

Really I want that level of freedom despite all the theory that I’ve known and I’ve been made myself. It is suck to be misunderstood. But what can I do instead of blaming myself to make other people not feel that guilty of their own mistake… I’m that stupid.




A human being who’s trying to be environmentally friendly and wants to live a more sustainable life ☘